Kickoff at World Maker Faire, NYC

The Mars Foundation just kicked off this “Mars Maker.Space” at the World MakerFaire in New York City.  Our exhibit featured a Lulzbot Mini 3D printer. We have another Lulzbot  for demos at the Hi-Seas Mars Habitat on a lava field in Hawaii. The exhibit also featured some items you might 3D print on Mars, pictures, and reports.

Let us know if you would like to help at a local MakerFaire, or to design, or publicize what to print at that Mars Hi-Seas habitat. To contact us or join, click Contact on the left, or e-mail Info@MarsMaker.Space

Thanks to several people who helped at the exhibit, including:  Michael Perrone, Matías Abad, Matt Gleason, Harold Egeln, Bruce Mackenzie, Kerry & Al of Lulzbot, and the WPI Collab (a makerspace).

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Incidentally: It was interesting to see a Mercury-Atlas and Gemini-Titan rockets standing over the dense neighborhood of Queens (New York) while approaching on the subway. (images coming)


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