Kickoff at World Maker Faire, NYC

The Mars Foundation just kicked off this “Mars Maker.Space” at the World MakerFaire in New York City.  Our exhibit featured a Lulzbot Mini 3D printer. We have another Lulzbot  for demos at the Hi-Seas Mars Habitat on a lava field in Hawaii. The exhibit also featured some items you might 3D print on Mars, pictures, and reports. Continue reading Kickoff at World Maker Faire, NYC



Join the brand new Mars Maker Space network, use 3D printers and FabLab to build on Mars.

Sponsored by the Mars Foundation, dedicated to Mars Settlement.

  • $1 million prize: clearinghouse to join, or form, your team to compete at 2 NASA funded 3D challenges
  • Design and 3D print a Mars Rover on our Lulzbot 3D Printer at the Hi-Seas Mars Habitat, shown above
  • Laser cut your greenhouse equipment for food, from local Mars materials
  • Exchange info on use of Mars regolith for composite or masonry construction on Mars
  • Wiki of Mars construction technologies
  • Meet like minded people who want to open a new frontier for everyone
  • Suggest your own ideas

MakerSpaces are the major breakthrough enabling the first practical space settlement.

Note, the polymer raw materials can be made from the Martian air and water.  The Mars soil can be sintered for construction material. Don’t bring materials from Earth.

FREE basic membership, but please consider:
Regular membership – $20
You don’t need a 3D printer. Open to individuals or MakerSpaces

[photos by Hi-Seas & Lulzbot / Mars Maker Space & Mars Foundation are are TM by Mars Foundation; 501(c)(3) (mms-flier-v1)]